About Us
Community Members

Rebecca Lewis
University of East Anglia
I am an Associate Professor in Evolutionary Biology, with specific interests in teaching undergraduate transferable skills, especially through promoting student self-efficacy. I am also involved in work to enhance students' sense of belonging.
I organise this Skills Community of Practice and am always on the lookout for new members and volunteers to contribute to meetings.

Kelly Edmunds
University of East Anglia
I have taught in Higher Education for over 15 years and strive to ensure that all students are able to embrace the opportunities that university provides.
Much of my work focuses on widening participation, student support and supporting the transition of students in to university to encourage a sense of belonging.
Helen Leggett
University of East Anglia
I am an evolutionary microbiologist, lecturer and course director for Foundation Year Biological Sciences and Biochemistry, Chair of BIO EDI committee and Engagement officer.
I am passionate about promoting student wellbeing in curricula and supporting students to increase their sense of belonging.

Roger Saunders
De Montfot University
I work in the School of Leadership, Management & Marketing, Faculty of Business & Law.
In terms of teaching skills I teach a range of study skills but have a particular interest in creativity.
I run a podcast and am always looking for people who might be interested in contributing.

Harley Stevenson-Cocks
Newcastle University
I'm a Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences at Newcastle University, though a physiologist by background. Outside of physiology teaching I'm interested in improving staff and student engagement with good feedback practices, developing employability skills in students, and science communication in general.

David Holland
University of East Anglia
I lead an academic development aka 'skills' theme in Year 1 of a Psychology BSc. I am a University Teaching Fellow and have taught across 4 HEIs including an FE setting. My particular interest is in academic standards and how these are influenced by critical thinking pedagogy, and the assessment literacy of both students and markers. Please contact me to chat about any of the above or to join my international critical thinking network.

Nayiri Keshishi
University of Surrey
I specialise in education with a focus on legal studies, alongside expertise in professional and academic skills development. My research explores effective teaching methodologies in legal education and strategies to enhance student engagement and success, equipping learners with the critical skills necessary for both academic and professional growth.

Ashleigh Steele
As the Community of Practice Lead at LearnSci, and a former chemistry teacher of 8 years in FE, I am interested in best practice around student skill development. Technical and professional skills are important. I'm especially interested to know how we can best prepare students in these skills to ultimately join the workplace.

Joanne Gough
Aston University
I am an Associate Professorial Teaching Fellow, Director of Learning and Teaching (Student Experience and Support), and Senior Tutor in Biosciences at Aston University. I coordinate our undergraduate and postgraduate Professional Development modules, and I am passionate about inclusivity and accessibility within the curricula. As Senior Tutor, it is my desire to implement tailored support and developmental opportunities via our Personal and Academic Tutoring system to allow every student to reach their potential during their time at Aston.

Yiovi Derpsch
University of East Anglia
I am a lecturer, Student Partnership Officer for Belonging and Relational & Togetherness Lead at the School of Psychology. Previously, at the University of Liverpool, I co-led the Belongingness initiative, which during the pandemic supported students to feel connected by running several online events and was highlighted as best practice.
During my two years at UEA I have implemented PSY Togetherness as an initiative to help building community and sense of belonging between staff & students by running different kinds of events/activities. In collaboration with Dr Holly Hancock, I have created a support & shared practice initiative called Student Experience Network. Its first conference is scheduled for 2024.

Bethan Gulliver
University of East Anglia
I am a Lecturer in Medical Education and Course Director of the Gateway Year to Medicine in Norwich Medical School and have more than 30 years’ experience in education.
My interest lies in addressing educational disadvantages that students may have, whether in knowledge, skills or attitudes to learning.

Araida Hidalgo
Manchester Metropolitan University
I am a Senior Lecturer and International Lead for the department of Life Science. My bioengineering group works on biomaterials and bioreactors for orthopaedic and cardiovascular regenerative medicine, and for in vitro 3D toxicological models for drug discovery.
I also champion EDI strategies for staff and students through the Athena Swan working groups and educational projects for transition into/out of university.

Helena Batalha
INTO University of East Anglia
I am the module leader for biology and human physiology at INTO UEA, which I joined in 2018.
I also teach biodiversity and data analysis at foundation year level. I am interested in understanding and facilitating the transition of international students into the UK Higher Education system, getting students engaged with complex scientific topics, and promoting a rigorous and critical approach to science.